Tuesday, July 27, 2010

bye Timothy!

Here is the very last Timothy - I have run out of old man cardigan!

This Timothy had a small rent in his arm, which after darning needed a bandage. Then he asked for a bandaid - he also has a few spare in his bag for emergencies. He could be a medic, a bit clutzy, or a self harmer. Im not sure. Hopefully Emma from Innaloo can figure it out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mr Fox and Brian the Lion

Finally, some photos! A few weeks to catch you up on. First, Mr Fox. a Lindsay Smith Pattern I have blogged about previously. Im having some problems with his tail. I didnt really like the tail in the pattern, and it seems whenever I try and make a tail someone always says they dont like it. So for now, he is tail-less. But its ok as he is mine!

This little cutie I made for a friend, Brian, who is a Leo, and seems to have a penchant for lions. I was a bit dubious about gifting a small stuffed toy to a man, but he seemed ok with it, phew! He is so incredibly cute, I like the way he looks at you, he is inquisitive, and has a pensive, poignant look in his beady little black eyes... lol.

My 25th birthday is coming up soon. Im having a pirate themed party, although a few weeks after my birthday as its a long weekend and every one is going away! So I have my eye on this pattern, perfect for a pirate! I have been crocheting a lot, perhaps something to do with procrastinating from study? Exams in a few weeks, so its back to the grind stone!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Exhibition openings and strolls down memory lane

Friday night saw me (after doing the hockey-mum run for the little sister) at the opening of Primal Playground at Mix Tape gallery. Its the first gallery opening I have been to since art school, and I got to catch up with lots of old friends, Korrin and Tiffany included who were exhibiting. Some of the work is really quite exciting, but perhaps it just appeals to my creepy side.

Tony our sculpture lecturer was there, I spoke to him briefly before trying to let him peruse the work, instead of being hounded by many ex students. He sent me this picture of us sitting around the campfire at Cue 2005. I believe the hat is protection from the cold, with a shaved head? Thats the only reasonable and rational explanation I can give! So I thought I would take a brief trip down memory lane with a few more burn pics...

Ahh, the good old days... I don't get nearly as dirty now.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DUST team Craft swap!

Tuesday the mailman came and delivered two parcels. One was a brick pretending to be a Unit readings booklet. The other was my craft swap with Del from DELicious Designz.

Mr Flopsy Bunny has made it to my 'do not sell' shelf. My ring is in the picture too, but right now its on my finger! Ahem, maybe should have looked at what books were in the photo before taking the shot!?! Sorry!

So now I can share some pics of the two little guys that have just found a new home. Del has posted some pics on her blog also, I had forgotten how cute they were!

Blue monkey and Purple Girraffe went to Holland before they begun their journey to chilly Albany!

Thinking I might sign up for the next one, even though I dont really have the time, it was good fun!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

oh so slack blogger!

Ok finally pulling my finger out and writing in this little box.

Yesterday I sent my DUST craft swap parcel to Del in Albany. Unless Australia Post is feeling especially punctual, it should be there around wednesday next week. Im pretty excited, and when she has it I will put up some photos...Its always hard to say goodbye to amigarumi! AND I have a new product line (LOL, sounds serious) the cutest little cherry earrings. When my little sister Rebecca comes over I will take some photo's and put them on Etsy. I already have an order for a friend in Bunbury. And Del is my first guinea pig. I wore them to work yesterday and everyone loved them.

Meanwhile, I have two essays and a test due in the next week, hence not being here much! I should go read Macbeth right now!

I downloaded a pattern from ravelry, I have been wanting to make a fox for ages, and I love Lindsay Smith's designs.
This one is heading straight to my bed!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April DUST craft swap

I signed up for the DUST April craft swap and found out yesterday that I have been partnered with Dell from DELicious Designz. She has two girls, 8 and 10, which great! The girls have suggested they would like a blue monkey and a purple giraffe. Off to the drawing board!

Del's resin jewlery is lovely, and I love the Alice themed pendants. This is my first swap, I hope she will be happy. I might sneak something in for her also, shhhh dont tell.

The new butterfly's in the shop still haven't had a proper photo shoot! You cant really see the wings but its enough to get the idea. After much prompting from Meagan the very girly pink
butterfly was born. People seem to really like the boggley eyes so Im trying to encorporate them more.

On a Literary note, I have finished almost all my Chaucer reading, and Im moving on to Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida soon. I hope everyone has a relaxing and safe easter weekend, and think of me snowed under school work and mid-season sale dramas at work!

Friday, March 26, 2010

WIP Wednesday on Friday

I couldnt wait til next Wednesday to post the new pics of my tattoo, and as technically I didnt get home till very early Thursday morning, I couldnt have posted on Wednesday anyway. And at 1.00am when you haven't eaten and youve been stuck with millions of little needles the last thing you want to do is take photos.

The lighting was terrible today, I tried to take some photos of the butterfly finger puppet I made last night but they didn't turn out. Hopefully the clouds disappear tomorrow. The new butterfly is in honour of my second etsy sale! A little green boggeldy eyed frog on his way to America somewhere.
I got totally ripped off at the post office, so I really made no money whatsoever on that particular sale, henceforth I shall never go to that post office again. Lesson learnt.

All in all its been a great week. I'm on top of my schoolwork so that makes me happiest of all. 1.5 tests completed and 400 words to go on my essay, and only a billion more Chaucer chapters to read! All very modest goals for the weekend I think.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

no WIP wednesday

So yesterday was Dollar Dress Day at my sisters work. Princess Margaret Hospital for Children have a annual dress up day, the wards choose a theme and they decorate and get dressed up. This year was Alice in Wonderland, and Meagan decided she wanted to be the white rabbit, so we spent days making this costume. With only 1/2 a meter of fabric it was quite cheap, only about $25. The effort involved, on the other hand, was a bit more costly. I made crepe paper flowers and was cutting out red and white roses for days it seemed.

Anyway it was fun, and the kids loved it, Meagan got petted all day, and one little girl kept whispering 'fairy, fairy' whenever she saw her.

And we have a great easter bunny outfit, if anyone is interested!?!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Etsy sale and WIP Wednesday

When I woke up this morning, I had a strange email from paypal saying someone had given me money. Initially I thought it was spam, but, lo and behold, my first etsy sale! So two little finger puppets are now on their way to New Caladonia, USA!
In honour of my first sale, here are some more finger puppets, Mr Buzzy Bee!

WIP wednesday, Im working on a blanket I found at ravelry, a freeform 'pattern'. For some reason the colours have come up bad in the photo, but its nice to use some of the odd balls in my stash. The dirty blue one is actually a lovely turquoise

What an exciting morning! I feel a little sad about sending off my little creations. My sister is sure its not worth it, and Im sure they take me longer to make than I realise and perhaps I have under-valued them, but for now Im happy, and especially happy that other people like them too!

Now, to stop procrastinating and begin my study for the day...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WIP Wednesday

Originally uploaded by sophee.cat
Here is one of my works in progress this week. Design by Hank from Unique Tattoo's Subiaco. 2.5 hr session, with three more to go.

Im trying to remember to take more photos of the craft work Im doing, but Uni has started now and work is busy, even trying to get to the gym and stay sane are falling behind the way side in the rush. On the up side I have almost finished reading The Oddessy, on to Beowulf and Regeneration by Pat Barker for week two. Somebody save me please!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New puppets

A month between posts, a new record! Its been a busy month, and about to get busier with Uni starting in March.

Ive been coming up with some new finger puppets, see below the frog, octopus and shark. Im working on creating sets to sell them in with themes which kids will like. An underwater creature theme for the octopus and the shark, and a garden theme for the frog, with maybe a bee, butterflies and a bird? Or Insects? Im not sure. These ones will be up on Etsy soon, sold individually. A few more weeks should see the sets go up.

underwater ocotpus
boggley eyed green frogs
shark attack

I made the hand model with plaster and disposable gloves. It has a few air bubbles and inconsistencies, but I quite like it, and it serves the job well. No having to pester my family for a 'hand'. Lol, sorry, I can't resist a good pun.

Easter gifts are well underway. The pattern I'm working with is by Tamie Snow from Roxy Craft, you can find the free pattern here

Monday, January 18, 2010

Now this is why I should never commit to such long term projects. Its been 18 days since my last confession. Damn you Helen, now I have to make something in my life appear interesting.

I spent the weekend with a friend trying to find a tattoo artist in Perth, and have booked in at Unique Tattoo's in Subiaco. There is a month wait till my first appointment but its worth it. The studio is really nice, good atmosphere, and the staff were friendly and professional, unlike some places we went to. I have finalised my design, Im going to take it in this week and discuss it with Hank, just finishing the colouring now.

It needs a few changes, like the feather on its head, a bit wonky, but as they will redraw it I think I will let them take care of that bit.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Finally my sister is off night shift, so I can move about the house at day time without fear of waking the troll under the bridge. Also I got Harry Potter from her cave for some photographs.

Im pretty happy with the way he turned out, although the sleeve ends need a bit of work and his scarf could be better. Meagan carried him around all Christmas day introducing him to various people. And yes, she is 26, not 6. Pattern from darncatcrochet.

I have been busy (avoiding pun's here) with my bee's the last few days. Ive pretty much got the pattern sorted out now, although you will notice some of them are a bit different.

I have a few more to finish off, I have run out of yellow wool which I had in my stash from an op shop years ago. I have begun making octopus men now. Hopefully the kids at RPH approve

One good thing about Helen's insistence that I blog is getting out the camera again. Im using my sisters for now, but if Im going to justify buying myself a DSLR in the near future this is a good way to get back into it.